Southeast Connecticut Eye Care LLC

General Information

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Locations and Directions

We have three convenient locations in southeast Connecticut. We see patients in Norwich, Groton, Willimantic, and Danielson. Click here for addresses and directions, as well as our contact information.

New Patient Registration

Welcome to our practice! Please fill out this form before your first visit and sign at the bottom. Bring the form to your first appointment. It helps us to get to know you.

Request for Medical Records

Use this form to get records from other doctors. Mail or fax the form to their practice.

Charges for Self-Pay Services

We want to be transparent about charges for our services. While most of our patients are covered by their health insurance, some pay out of pocket. Click on this link to find out what we charge for our services if you are uninsured. These rates do not generally apply to insured patients, as rates for insured patients are set by our contract with the insurer.

HHS No Surprises Act Notice

If you are self-pay (ie you have medical insurance, but choose not to use it), or if you are uninsured, you have a right to a good faith estimate of what your care will cost. This notice from the US Department of Health and Human Services explains your rights.

Clinician Lookup

If you need to contact another physician, you can use this link to look up their contact information (e.g. if you need to get records).

Terms and Conditions of Care

Please read this before your visit. You must agree to these terms and conditions to be a patient at our practice.

Notice of Privacy Practices

We take your privacy seriously. Please read this notice before your visit.