Southeast Connecticut Eye Care LLC

Cataract Videos

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SEE-CARE Videos:

These videos have helpful information about cataracts and cataract surgery, as well as information on preparing for surgery, and what to do afterwards.

Cataract Basics (English, Spanish, French, Ukranian, Mandarin)This video slideshow will show you the basics of what a cataract is, and what can be done to fix it.
Explaining Cataract Surgery (English)This video will explain what cataracts are, and how the surgical process may fix the difficulties that they impose.
Constitution Surgery Center East (English)One of the locations where your surgery may take place is Constitution Surgery Center East. This video will help you to know what to expect at this center, and advise you on how to more easily locate it.
River Valley Surgery Center (English)Another location where your surgery may happen is River Valley Surgery Center in Norwich, CT. Here\'s what you should know about River Valley, including how to find the location and what to do when you arrive.
Hartford Hospital Eye Surgery Center (English)One other place where you may have your surgery is Hartford Hospital Eye Surgery Center. Here are a few things to know about this location, including how you may be able to locate it.
Before Your Cataract Surgery (English)Before your cataract surgery even takes place, there are a few important things for you to know and to do. Here is a short explanation of what those things are.
Arriving for Cataract Surgery (English)No matter where your surgery takes place, it will be a big day for you. Here is a step-by-step guide of what to do when you and your caretaker arrive at the surgery center.
Proper Use of Eyedrop Medication (English)Your doctor will give you a prescription for eyedrop medication to take after your surgery is complete. Here is a brief guide on how to properly apply these drops without causing a mess.
Post-Operative Instructions (English)After your surgery is complete, it is important to follow the advice given to you by your doctor. Here are the proper steps you can take to make your recovery easier.
Post-Operative Instruction Slideshow (English, Spanish, French, Ukraninan, Mandarin)This presentation goes over the same postoperative instructions, but is available in multiple languages.
Full Pre-Op Reel (English)This video combines all of the other ones above so you can watch them all the way through.

American Academy of Ophthalmology Videos (English only):

These videos have helpful information about different lenses that can be used for cataract surgery, as well as a discussion of postoperative laser, and how to put in drops.

Lens OptionsThere are many new lens options available today. You should work with your surgeon to choose the best lens for you. Lenses today can correct optical defocus and sometimes make you less dependent on glasses.
MonovisionMonovision is an effective way to reduce dependence on glasses for some patients. One eye is focused at distance, and the other at near. Not all patients adapt well to this optical system, but those who do are often less dependent on glasses after surgery. There is no extra cost for this procedure.
Cataract surgery with monofocal lensThis video describes cataract surgery with a traditional monofocal lens. This lens is normally covered by insurance. It does not correct astigmatism. It gives the patient one focal point.
Cataract surgery with toric lensThis video describes cataract surgery with a toric (astigmatism correcting) lens. This lens is not normally covered by insurance. It corrects regular astigmatism. It gives the patient one focal point.
Cataract surgery with multifocal lensMultifocal lenses can give patients a wider range of vision, where objects are clear from distance to near. Some patients are less dependent on glasses of any kind after implantation of this lens.
Cataract surgery with toric multifocal lensThese latest generation lenses can correct astigmatism and give a wide range of vision. They can often significantly reduce dependence on glasses after surgery.
YAG laser capsulotomySometimes the capsule that holds the replacement lens in place can become hazy or wrinkled. YAG laser capsulotomy can often fix this. See this video to better understand this procedure.
How to Put in Eye DropsWatch this video to learn how to give yourself eye drops without dribbling them all over your face.